A payday loan is a small unsecured loan, usually for between $100 and $1,000, which is designed to meet your financial needs until your next payday. Essentially, you are making out a check for the advanced loan amount, plus a fee, to be held until your next payday. Payday loans are also known as cash advance, short term loans, payday advances, cash loans, fast cash, fast loans, bad credit loans, deferred deposit, and a number of other things. No matter what you call them, payday loans can get you through your financial crisis. Charges are often shown as an APR rate which represents the interest rate for the whole year. This can seem high but you should remember that payday loans are usually only held for a few weeks at most so the actual amount you pay is relatively small. AdvanceLoan.net is here to help you find a payday loan lender. We present your completed application to our vast network of lenders in order to find a lender that is most likely to approve your loan. By searching for a payday loan through AdvanceLoan.net, you can be sure that your application has been reviewed by the leaders in the payday loan industry. Ready to apply? Great, simply fill out the form on this page or you can apply via telephone toll free at 1-877-534-5330.